You built a unique start-up that could soon be profitable and popular. With a reputed digital marketing expert you know the promotion began. You did everything from branding to promotions with the help of a marketing agency. But one thing is still behind the curtain – A Powerful Logo! It will always be better to consult a digital marketing company to get a logo designed that will stay the face of your brand.
It is a huge mistake repeatedly done by reputed companies and startups. The expensive promotion and marketing throughout the incubation stage will go in vain if you don’t have a striking logo that people will remember forever even after a single gaze. The logo may not be the backbone of any brand but people recognise the brand through logos, to be honest. So making a logo requires a lot of effort and research from the geometry to colours. In this blog, you will read about the significance of blogs and 5 classic examples of logos.
Logo Matters!
The logo makes it possible to identify a brand effortlessly. The countries have flags and companies have logos. It is that simple. A logo could describe your brand. Since logos make a good impression they increase the chance for recognition of your brand. For a brand that is looking for a unique place in the industry, it will have to design a never seen copycat-free logo in the first place.
Using logos for describing the company motto and values will build customer loyalty and trust. Logos are the first thing people notice about your company so they should be simple, appropriate and unique. When they see your logo they should feel your brand.
How to Make a Good Logo
Note down these 5 points in designing a logo.
1. Understand what type of logo your company requires.
2. Use colour combinations that could define the values of your brand
3. Incorporate the logo design into the brand
4. Make it Simple
5. Communicate the goal and attitude of the brand
Classic Examples of Brand Logos
Apple has one of the most celebrated logos of all time due to its ‘bitten’ uniqueness and simplicity. The biggest publicity the logo got was why a piece of Apple is missing. It was designed by Rob Janoff and most importantly Apple logo is monochromatic. It sends an elegant feel to those who see the logo. The corner-bitten Apple logo is one of the timeless logos indeed. Why? Because they hired a digital marketing expert.
To show its continual movement in the industry Starbucks used a common round-shaped logo with a green and white colour. Psychologically, green sends a relaxing feeling to the viewers that spread positivity elegantly. Now it doesn’t even need a font because Starbucks is easily recognisable worldwide. Hire social media ads agency to design your superstar design.
Everyone takes pride in wearing a t-shirt bearing the swoosh logo of Nike on it. Even the tagline of Nike has matched the logo. The swoosh symbol represents the Greek Goddess Victory. The simple but striking logo created by Carolyn Davidson is still one of the LOGO G.O.A.T.s seen today. A fun fact: She only got paid $35 for this logo!!
Yellow colour symbolises happiness and warmth and McDonald’s knew it. More than that yellow is the colour that our eyes love to spot. This helped McDonald’s to stand out in the crowd in daylight and at night. The iconic ‘M’ symbol adds the feeling of Mother’s love on the other hand. What more is needed to get a logo recognised effortlessly?
The tech giant recently updated its logo and to the surprise of all, no one noticed the difference. It was a slight change in the blue colour. The google logo is simple but captures the attention because of the same reason. The colours of the logo represent the google server made from lego bricks. The primary colours in the logo represent emotion and mind but more than that Google updates the logo with a Google doodle every day. It showcases creative logos every day and slowly users start to recognise the Google logo in any form.
It’s not that easy to complete a logo for it requires time, knowledge and creative capacity. As the top-notch digital marketing company available in town we constantly do research on ‘logo science’ and design astonishing logos for the brands. Small or big it doesn’t matter. Woo the customers with a charming face because you need it. And, do it with the finest digital marketing company without any worries. Our Social media marketing agency team is ready to animate a timeless logo for you dear friend. Why wait?