JachOOs Blog

What are the most effective SEO strategies for 2022?

December 4, 2021, Written by 0 comment

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical for businesses, as they play a major role in attracting consumers to their online platforms. But SEO is not the same every day, and you need to update your website with the latest trends in order to ensure maximum traffic and top ranking. Major search engines like Google and Bing change their core algorithm every year to offer perfect results to the users. So, if you are still relying on the same SEO techniques you’ve been using for years, it’s high time that you upgrade to the latest SEO strategies. To help you stay in line with the latest updates in SEO, here is a look into the major SEO trends that will have a great impact in 2022.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary technology that has positively affected almost every field of human interaction. In SEO, it continues to influence how people interact with digital content. AI can predict the real intend of people, even if they are typing slightly different keywords. So, the website content also should focus on the overall context by setting ‘pillar content’ and ‘content clusters’, instead of focusing on individual keywords. It is also important to offer a good website experience for the users, as this will be the major ranking factor in the coming years. Therefore, click-through rate and the amount of time users spend on a website will be a major factor in determining SERP ranking. So, it is essential to engage the users by providing useful content that they value.

Long-Form Content

The search engines and even the audience are more attracted towards long-form content than short articles and blogs. Make your website content and blogs large enough to include 1000 to 3000 words. It’s not only the length that counts, but the content should be relevant and useful to the readers. It should serve some purpose to the audience like educating them, informing them, inspiring them or even entertaining them. It’s even better if your content engages the audience and make them perform certain action that you intend. For that, you can include ‘call to action’ phrases or button in-between the content. In order to keep readers engaged, you can break up your content into several sub-sections using H2 and H3 subheadings, as this will make it more readable. As too much content in a single stretch can disturb the readers it is better to break it into small paragraphs with subheadings.


According to various statistics, more than 60 percent of website traffic comes from mobile searches. That makes mobile compatibility an important part of SEO. Google has also announced it as an official ranking parameter in recent years. Google has also launched a free mobile friendly test that allows you to assess how compatible your website is for mobile phones. You can also find out if there is any issue with your website’s mobile view and fix them without delay using Google’s Mobile Usability Report. As location searches are also becoming much popular these days, it is an essential criterion for every website to include a mobile friendly approach.

Promote Video content

The advancement of technology and media has shifted the focus of audience from written content to video content. The captivating visuals and appealing images attract the audience more to the content than verbal communication. There are highly advanced tools that allow you to capture high resolution videos and even editing software that can edit and mix these videos with alluring designs and background scores to pull the attention of the audience who are not much inclined to visit your website. This will keep them hooked to your website and social media pages and give you an upper hand in SEO in the long run. Keywords will also play a critical role in optimizing your video content. Although it is not good to pack your video descriptions with keywords, a few relevant keywords and hashtags can help take your content to its targeted audience.

Want to make your website SEO friendly?

SEO plays a major role in determining how your website is ranked and how much traffic your website receives. It is no more effective to stuff your content with keywords as you did traditionally. The key is to get updated with the existing trends and create quality content – both written and visual that can appeal to the search engines and readers. JachOOs is the leading SEO agency in Dubai offering complete digital marketing and website designing services for companies and organizations. Connect with our SEO experts for any queries or to avail website SEO services.  


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