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CRM Applications

In order to understand the cloud CRM, we have to first take a look at the CRM first.

CRM (Customer relationship management) is popular in today’s business world. Everybody is talking about CRM. Most people know that they are beneficial but only few know which solution fits their business model best.

Whether you are a large or small firm, CRM is a tool that is going to help you establish closer connections with your customers, in providing professional customer service, increase sales and expand your business. Big businesses find it easy to spend on software but small businesses are more concerned about the cost of investing in software or hardware. Small businesses want the software to be affordable, it should be able to help them instantly, it should not be too complicated, it should fulfill their unique business requirements, it should be easy and cheap in deployment and maintenance and it should be accessible 24*7 from anywhere.

Small businesses have these preferences as they don’t want to own servers, hardware or IT professionals, cannot spend large sum of money in one go, has specific business requirements and customized sales processes.

Hence if you understand that investing in modern technology like CRM is going to result in bigger ROI and help you grow your business, then you can contact us and get the best CRM solution that is best fit for you. But wait we are giving you even more.

Earlier, all CRM systems were in-house applications and they were installed and ran on servers within an organization. Nowadays, the newer CRM systems are cloud CRM, which means that the application and data is all kept in the CRM provider’s servers in a datacenter and accessed via an internet browser

    Cloud CRM is also known as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) CRM and online CRM. Having on cloud, it has many technical and pricing advantages:-

  • You don’t require any local servers to run the CRM system. Hence there is no capital cost, no server software and no maintenance.
  • Updates, backups and maintenance - all done by the cloud vendor i.e. us.
  • Users can access the CRM system from anywhere via the internet i.e. From home, office or smartphone.
  • By Saving money on cloud CRM, you can reduce the financial risk.
  • You can cancel the service anytime without incurring any major loss on initial investment.

We provide high quality cloud CRM solutions. Hence you can get the advantages of cloud CRM solutions by taking our services. We at Jachoos, deliver all of the services and solutions at highest quality and at most affordable rates as we have all the resources, infrastructure and highly skilled team of professionals which all are required to do such a job.

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