Website hosting might be one of your primary considerations while planning to build a new website for your startup business. This is because, hosting is a major factor that can determine the smooth performance of your website, including speed, uptime and security. Although there are various hosting providers who offer different types of web-hosting solutions, choosing the right one is not an easy deal. How do you choose one, when there are literally hundreds of options available in the market? Here are a few guidelines that will help you to pick the best website hosting for small business.
Know your requirement
This is the first step in choosing an appropriate website hosting for your business. The type of web hosting needed depends on the character of your business, the size of your business and the amount of budget you can allocate for hosting. It is only after choosing the type of hosting required, you can move on to select from various hosting providers.
Types of website hosting
It is important to familiarize with different kinds of web hosting before deciding the apt one for your business.
Dedicated hosting – This is a traditional form of hosting where an entire server and its resources are dedicated to manage your website files. This gives you complete control over your website and offers better security and speed to manage high traffic. But being a costly option, it may not be feasible for small businesses and startups. Also, you need to hire technical support to manage your server without failure.
Shared hosting – As the name suggests, here a single server is shared by many websites or companies to manage their files and data. The cost for shared hosting is comparatively less and is affordable for small businesses. But when it comes to scalability and security, this is not very much recommendable, especially if you are running an ecommerce website.
Cloud hosting – This is the most advanced form of website hosting, where your website files get stored on multiple servers spread across various locations, instead of a single server. The major advantage of cloud hosting is that you can scale up or scale down the resources like bandwidth and storage without limits, as per need. Also, you need to pay only for the resources that you consume.
Managed hosting – Here, it is the hosting provider’s responsibility to manage the entire performance, maintenance and other requirements of your website. Small businesses will never have to worry about hiring separate technical staff for managing hosting needs. Managed hosting also gives your website the benefit of 24/7 monitoring and expert support.
How to choose from various hosting providers?
After knowing your business requirement and the type of hosting required, it is now time to select your hosting provider. Each hosting service differ in their features, cost and service quality. Here are a few different criteria that would help you to pick your hosting provider.
Unlimited Bandwidth – This is a major factor that determines the loading speed of a website. If the bandwidth is low, the page will take more time to load resulting in poor performance and reduced website traffic. Especially for websites handling ecommerce, it is essential to have a hosting with high bandwidth. Check with your hosting provider if they can guarantee unlimited bandwidth in times of need.
Unlimited Storage – With a low storage or limited SSD space, you cannot expand your business seamlessly. So, ensure you can have access to unlimited storage as and when need arises.
Advanced Security – Many hosting providers offer various security features like SSL certificate, Immunify360 and other firewall protection as a part of the hosting package. Therefore, make sure you have access to all security features before selecting your host.
Daily backups – This is a highly essential feature that most businesses don’t consider relevant while choosing a hosting provider. Without daily backups happening, your business can suffer great loss of vital data and resources.
Add-ons – Usually, most service providers offer a lot of add-on features along with a hosting plan that include free domain registration, free email accounts, website builder, free migration, app auto installer and much more along with the plan. Try to get maximum features for your budget.
Best website hosting for small business
So, now you are in a position to choose the best hosting service for your startup. It is just a matter of browsing the websites of various hosting providers and contacting them to confirm what all essential features they offer and to what time period. You may also check the reviews from Google or Trustpilot for more authenticity.
At JachOOs, we offer the best website hosting for small business on leading cloud datacenters like Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, AWS, DigitalOcean and Linode at highly affordable price. Checkout our website for selecting from highly customized hosting plans and domain registration. Book a free consultation with our hosting experts for all your hosting related queries.